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Personal devices and social activity in your company

There’s been a lot of blog posts flying around recently around the growing trend towards ‘Bring your own device’ (BYOD). Deloitte and Citrix are some of the big names to announce recently that they are rolling out BYOD internally.

Given that  CDH research confirms 1 in 10 employees already use their own devices to access work email, and other surveys cite even higher figures, is this trend an inevitability?  Systems Professional (HP’s go-to partner for VDI solutions) tell us they are already seeing an increase in businesses looking to deploy VDI in part to help manage increased usage of user-owned devices.

With almost a third of the execs polled in Deloitte’s recent survey believing that there are likely ‘rogue’ devices connected to the network- how do they intend to know for sure?

Organisations planning a BYOD approach will need to consider how this will be managed in practice.  Deep-dive monitoring solutions like Mailscape will certainly help businesses monitor which devices are connected- and the status of the device right down to the OS, and some sort of solution to monitor connectivity and policies should be considered from the outset.

Citrix certainly seems to believe BYOD and desktop virtualisation is an inevitability. Having said all of that, and despite having read numerous articles on the subject of late- we have lost count of the amount of trends which turn out to be more hype than reality.  We’ll keep an open mind for the time being…

I’ve often posted a status on Facebook and thought nothing of it, but the new changes made me think twice about my profile on there and the prospect of leaving a trail of my personal life brought me to the decision to delete my account, but it also made me think about what I may also be leaving in the archives of my current and past employers(s) that will be virtually impossible for me to delete.

Some organisations routinely keep archives of all emails sent and received via company systems, all instant messages, any interaction on social networking sites, files and so on. I know, because we provide the technology to do this.

Even in the last few weeks new software has arrived from Microsoft (PST Capture) that allows organizations to grab personal archives (PST files) containing copies of emails that were previously under the control of the individual.  Once captured into the central Exchange store, the contents of PSTs can be searched by the company, deleted by the company and potentially retained for an eternity.

It depends on your train of thought of course, the minute you save something on to a work sever or PC is it still your data or is it now the responsibility of your company?